
One World, One Dream !
Explore China, Embrace Culture, and Enrich Lives with Yohoo Au Pair China!

What is Yohoo Au Pair China Culture Exchange Program ?

Nǐ hǎo(你好)!  Yohoo Au Pair China offers a cultural exchange opporitunity which enables you to become fully immersed in Chinese culture, learn Mandarin, make fantastic friends from across the globe. We'll provide you with a 2-12 month placement in a major Chinese city living in a homestay with a lovely Chinese or Expat family.

Experience Beyond Culture

About Yohoo

Yohoo is the exclusive partner of GreatAuPair LLC in running Au Pair China Program, with a wealth of experience fostering cross-cultural connections and enriching the experiences of participants for many years. Through their dedicated efforts, Yohoo International aims to create meaningful cultural exchanges and lasting connections between individuals from diverse backgrounds.

Explore China, Embrace Culture, and Enrich Lives with Yohoo Au Pair China ! Our program transcends borders, offering a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Chinese culture. Join Yohoo Au Pair China – where global connections meet unforgettable experiences."

Chinese language and Cultural Exchange

Yohoo Au Pair China as an international program brings English speakers into a Chinese household, giving the host children there the opportunity to learn English through exposure while immersing participants in Chinese culture and the Chinese language. As an au pair in a Chinese family, you will be treated as an older sibling in the home, acting as a mentor to the child or children living with you. Room and board are completely free and authentic. While you teach the host children English, you will be given the choice to take free Mandarin classes and attend cultural events. 


Why Choose Yohoo Au Pair China Culture Exchange ?

Be An Pair in China !
Au Pair in China with Yohoo International !

"Au pair" is a French term that means on par or equal. Au pairs are visitors from overseas who travel to China to acquire a better understanding and appreciation of Chinese culture and life, while living with a Chinese family and caring for/tutor their young children. In order to participate in the au pair program, candidates must meet a set of minimum requirements and adhere to Chinese regulations and agency rules.

Request Information/请选择身份

  • I am an

    Au Pair

  • 我们是
